"However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the results.."
Sir Winston Churchill
Every organization and company is impacted by the laws, regulations, and policies passed in Washington DC and in the halls of state capitols and local government offices across our country.
The cost of government and regulations on businesses is monumental. Very few realize that federal, state and local government regulations can cost business anywhere from 30 to 50 percent of total earnings. When you translate that figure into dollars the amount can be staggering. Even with that very often "nonmarket" engagement is not viewed as a core component of a necessary business strategy.
Pegasus Strategies can affect your bottom line more than you may think!
Pegasus Strategies knows that a wide range of nonmarket forces have a major impact on a company’s performance. Laws, regulations, activist movements, demographic shifts, judicial actions, and social media will, and in combination, change the scope and trajectory of companies they may affect.
Pegasus Strategies can work with your company or organization to develop a meaningful government affairs and public advocacy campaign. The impact of government of all levels on your business is significant and your efforts to influence the direction of government and public opinion must be just as meaningful. The results that your organization can see from an effective government affairs campaign could have a much greater impact on your business goals than traditional market-focused efforts.
We will work with your company to assess your needs and develop and implement a meaningful program to monitor, message and help you effectively work with government. Pegasus will amplify your traditional communications program, work to educate policy-makers about issues, alerting clients to legislative risks and opportunities. Pegasus can also engage in lobbying to ensure your company's views are reflected in policy debates and outcomes.
Pegasus Strategies specializes in Political Consulting, Campaign Management of political and judicial campaigns across the United States as well as government affairs and public advocacy programs for businesses.
Pegasus provides polling, digital video production, digital advertising, television advertising, direct mail, voter outreach, and direct voter contact services, to clients throughout the United States.