"Quickness is the essence of war."
Sun-Tzu, The Art of War
Pegasus Strategies can provide live and automated or robo calling services to any political candidate judicial campaign or ballot issue campaign.
Political automated phone calls are a very cost effective way to reach a large number of potential voters rapidly. The cost is negligible compared with other paid media and its effectiveness is unsurpassed when properly used.
Automated or robo calls allow our political candidates and ballot issues to target their message directly to potential and active voters, give them valuable information, and help them capture valuable data through polling to win your campaign.
You will be able to reach your constituents exactly at the time of day of your choosing. You can place your calls to target answering machines, or target live voters. You have complete control.
Peer to Peer texting has become one of the most effective ways to reach any voter with a personalized message. It allows you reach thousands of voters quickly with a personalized message.
There is no limit to the uses of P2P Texting. Reach out to a select group of people for fundraising based on their previous donations. Chase your absentee ballots with P2P Texting.
Your campaign can keep in touch with volunteers and campaign supporters with P2P Texting. Yor campaign can effectively use P2P texting for a last minute GOTV message.
Pegasus Strategies can manage any live or automated calling program as well as your peer to peer texting. When used and not overused, these methods can be every effective in communicating and persuading voters, and organizing your supporters.
Pegasus Strategies can develop a plan to maximize your voter contact with robo calls and P2P texting.
Pegasus Strategies specializes in Political Consulting, Campaign Management of political and judicial campaigns across the United States as well as government affairs and public advocacy programs for businesses.
Pegasus provides polling, digital video production, digital advertising, television advertising, direct mail, voter outreach, and direct voter contact services, to clients throughout the United States.